Income Machine: Setup Your Online Business in 3 Days

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"Your Blog, Membership Site, Email List...
Making Money Online Automatically and..."
It's All Done in
Under 3 Days

From: Robert Plank & Lance Tamashiro

Date: Friday, 8:10 AM

RE: Your Money Making Online Business in 3 Days

The free information contained on this web page could improve your life drastically and permanently... but only if you let it.

In fact, if you pay close attention, I'll have you on the right track to having all this setup within the next 3 days or less:

  • Niche & Domain Name
  • Blog & Social Proof
  • Web Host & Web Page
  • Sales Letter & Payment Button
  • Email Optin Page
  • Membership Site & Drip Content
  • Autoresponder Messages
  • Traffic

Here's why these basic elements of internet marketing are so important to you. I recently reconnected with an old friend who's still failing to make money online...

He knows all the fancy buzzwords... he told me just a few seconds ago he "jQuery'd an optin page" onto his WordPress blog.


None Of His Sites Make Enough Money!

He'll talk to me all day about marketing. He'll listen to any plans I lay out, but he'll forget to apply them.

How can you avoid his mistakes? I've shown hundreds of others exactly what to do from day one, to go from nothing to making money in the fastest time possible.

Here's a secret...

You're Making Everything Way Too Hard!

And, this is the good news:

  • You don't have to put 60 hours per week into this
  • You don't have to take every single course on the planet
  • You just have to apply a proven business model

And the best people to listen to are two EXPERTS who have already done it...

Robert Plank & Lance Tamashiro

Here's what happens when you try to fumble around on the Internet piecing the answers together -- here and there -- but it only takes one thing to hang you up and suddenly, you're stuck.

And there's no one to turn to!

You've tried getting free advice from forums... you've tried Googling for the latest articles and blog posts... you've tried 10 dollar ebooks (and wondering why they all contradict each other)... and where have those gotten you?


60 hours of frustration per week, and no results. Would you like to change that, yes or yes?

It frustrates me. And it probably frustrates you too. Because even in the fancy $2,000... $3,000... even $10,000 courses... teach USELESS skills that are WAY over your head:

  • "Now that you have an optin page, I forgot to tell you... you need a blog"
  • "Now that you have a blog, I forgot to tell you... you need a sales page"
  • "Now that you have a sales page, I forgot to tell you... you need a product"

Sound familiar? Nothing takes you from start to finish... in just one easy weekend, until now.

"I am blown away!"

Lance and Robert--

I am blown away by this training.  I've literally spent thousands of dollars on mentors and products over the last three years and none of them explained to me how to actually do this aside from advice like "make a landing page" with no suggestions on how to get that done.  Your templates are fantastic and my business idea is finally being implemented.  You guys rock!

Anne Bogardus
Huntsville, AL USA

The Easiest, Fastest, and Most Proven Way to Setup Your Online Business in 3 Days or Less...

"Go from Internet Marketing Beginner to Expert
In This 3-Day Online Bootcamp"

Income Machine 2.0

Finally, you get everything all in one place: your entire online business.

How to setup your web site (including hosting, your domain name, and autoresponder) ... your optimized blog (for traffic), your membership site (for content)... everything you need.

You get everything you need: all simple and safe technical advice.

  • This isn't a bunch of tips thrown together in a random order (it's a complete system)
  • This isn't an e-class where you have to wait weeks to get answers
  • This isn't an e-book where information is left out

"Cant' Believe What I Learned In One Weekend"

Nancy Brown

I think I'm going to toss the thousands of dollars in courses I've purchased over the last 8 years that I was never able to sit through let alone learn from. I can't believe that in one weekend I've learned how to do all the things you've taught.

Now I am so ready to get out there and just Do IT! (And thanks for the reminder that it doesn't have to be perfect – such a waste of time and energy for way too many of us.)

Thanks so much for busting my belief that those who make money online do it by charging tons of money for stuff no one could ever figure out.

I don't remember how I found you guys, but I'm sure glad I did!

Nancy Brown

Imagine, you sit down on Monday for a couple of hours, then again on Tuesday, and by Wednesday you're finished... you have EVERYTHING online!

By the end of this 3-day training window, you'll have the following setup:

  • Niche & Domain Name
  • Blog & Social Proof
  • Web Host & Web Page
  • Sales Letter & Payment Button
  • Email Optin Page
  • Membership Site & Drip Content
  • Autoresponder Messages
  • Traffic

It's all made super easy to understand with step by step screen capture "look over my shoulder" online course. You'll see exactly what simple steps you need to take.

You just repeat what you see on the screen. Simple.

"More than WONDERFUL!"

Judy Jackson

More than WONDERFUL! Sooooo needed this.

Family is getting totally tired of me doing the victory dance through the house every time I overcome a hurdle.

Seriously. This is the best program yet guys.

It's catapulting me in my business(es) development sooo fast. Best money I ever spent.

Judy Jackson

You Followed Along
And Created Everything You Need:
A Complete Online Business!

You've always dreamed of telling your friends about your web site. Dreamed of firing your boss and quitting your day job. Dreamed of working less, making more, and retiring early.

The technical stuff is out of the way. You can now focus on your marketing and your passion.

Here's what you'll do. Lance and I will build a real business in front of you (on your computer screen), NO TEST SITES ALLOWED HERE!

It's all stored for you personally -- forever -- inside the member's area.


Robert and Lance,

Thank you so much for this course. I didn't make it in 3 days, but I made it during 5 days. Awesome! Your teachings and step by step methods are perfect for me. May God continue to bless you guys!

Best regards,
Todd Lloyd
Wyoming, MI USA

Let's get you setup so you can make money!

Module 1:
"Choosing Your Niche, Finding Your Hook, and Detecting the Money"

Your Niche Chosen By the End of This Session

Here's something I want to get out of the way right now:

Stay OUT of the "fake it till you make it" mentality... you know the type...

"Look at me, I make a million dollars per year online. Here are my fancy Lamborghinis and my beach front home."

Yeah, right!

I have tons of websites about PHP programming. Presenting on webinars.

How-to systems for speed-writing. WordPress plugins and web-based software.

But I have an apology to make to you in advance...

I'm Sorry!
I Can't Show You How to Earn
$1,000,000 from Scratch in 24 Hours!

I can show YOU how to build an autopilot business that's unique to YOU.

Make money from your passion. Enjoy what you do so it's not "work." And put the minimum amount of time in for the maximum profits OUT.

  • Discover: What niches to AVOID!
  • How to evaluate a market BEFORE you get into it
  • Finding the right domain name
  • How to make sure YOU are the expert
  • How to monetize your passion

"One Of The Most
Amazing Courses That I Have Taken"

Jeanne Lovely

This is one of the most amazing courses that I have taken.

It has taken the "pain" out of setting up all facets of my business.

My challenge has always been, when I started to do one thing, I got "twisted" with that one thing, that always leads to another one thing, and then never completing one project.

This has been awesome and I can follow the directions and if I get stuck the replays are there to guide me.

I cannot say enough about you two guys taking the time, for short money, to teach this class.

I do want the affiliate link so that I can send it to all the people I know that are having a hard time like I WAS - confused no more, thanks to you both!!

Kudos, overdelivered as usual.

Jeanne Lovely

So you've used our system and identified your passion, your niche, your target market, and you have an idea for a viable, profitable website. What next?

Click Here to Claim Your Access Now »

Module 2:
"Create Your Web Presence
By SKIPPING the Technical Details"

Your Site Online By the End of This Session

What's great about Lance and I is that not only have we setup hundreds of websites for ourselves, but we've coached hundreds of students how to do the same thing. We've made all the mistakes. They've made all the mistakes.

And in that process we've made that process as simple as possible.

You NEED a website. Even if you aren't making products yet, even if you don't have subscribers yet... it all starts with a website.

You can safely ignore 90% of the capabilities most webhosts give you -- so that if you don't have a website of your own yet, we'll walk you through the process.

And if you do have a website, we'll show you how to make the most of it.

  • Forget all of the technical details
  • We start from nothing and end with everything you need to grow your business
  • Cpanel, DNS, FTP, HTML, email -- forget them!!!
  • These are all just fancy names, let me show you what you need to know in plain English

Website setup. DONE!

But now what goes on it?

I've got great news: you don't need to spend 6 months making a product out of the gate. You don't need to agonize over a WordPress theme, CMS software, or any of that goofiness.

Here's the fastest way to make money online without doing any work or spending any time: attract a list of hungry email subscribers, and send content and offers to them.

"Always Deliver and Never Disappoint!"

Pamela Miles

As always Robert & Lance always deliver and never disappoint!

Thank you so much for always finding creative and helpful ways to not only teach us but motivate, challenge and inspire us as well.

Pamela Miles

That's it. No products, upsells, funnels, coaching, freelancing, or memberships yet. Just good old fashioned list building.

Module 3:
"Assembling Your Optin Page and Bringing in a Steady Stream of Eager Prospects and Buyers"

Your Optin Page Collecting Leads By the End of This Session

1-Click Plug & Play Lead Funnel Clone Included:
Just Add Gift

You don't need a product to make sales online. It helps, but you don't "need" one!

Lance got his start as an affiliate... which means, he'd find a web site to promote, recommend it to his subscribers, and collect a "finder's fee" or "affiliate commission" ... without doing anything other than pointing people to the right place.

Many people are at a loss about what to put on their website. List of services? Boring corporate page? Blog?

What you should add for starters: a place where people can get a free gift from you so you can start building a relationship.

And also: I don't want you to even think about "building an optin page" ever again... instead, just click a button and use ours!

You can literally set this all up in 60 seconds. They find you. They want the freebie. They enter their name and email address.

  • Set up and configure your complete lead capture system
  • Follow up with your new prospects 24/7 on autopilot while you spend your time having fun
  • Simple 3 step opt in form that will start bringing you leads today and not in weeks
  • Autoresponder secrets you need to understand to make sure your prospects become customers

And now you can not only find out what those people want, but give them exactly what they want, and make money doing it. Even if you're only a "recommender."

In the list building module for Income Machine 2.0, you'll get the following:

  • 1-click website clone for a high converting optin page (plugin included)
  • Choose the headline and bullet points (I'll write them for you)
  • Paste in the code from your autoresponder (I'll show you this part) and you're done
  • Place your gift in the pre-made area (fast and easy)
  • Your whole funnel... completed in seconds

Lance and I want to be 100% sure you have everything you need...

You'll discover how to build your list -- PLUS -- how to get your subscribers trained to: open, read, click, and buy.

"Accomplished More This Weekend
Than Ever Before"

David Burch

Your courses keep getting better and better. I questioned whether I should take a "newbie" course as I technically know how to do much of what was taught this weekend.

The course taught me *why* certain approaches were better from a business standpoint. And of course, I was really a newbie as I knew how to do a lot, but I had nothing to show for it.

I spent the entire weekend learning... and doing. Looking back it, the number of decisions made alone is amazing: 8 challenges, each with 4-5 decisions/actions each. Not all the actions are completed, but all the decisions have been made and all the actions have been scheduled.

And I have done a lot this weekend, more than I've ever done before: I selected a niche (this was a real sticking point for me in the past), set up a list, created a product for a free download, set up a squeeze page, started a sales page, created a blog, wrote my first blog post for it, and received my first comment.

Also, towards the end of the course Robert and Lance got carried away, went overtime, and touched on some advanced topics (insider secrets, really), yet still kept is simple, uncomplicated, and actionable for a newbie level.

David Burch

At this point in "Income Machine 2.0" you will have a niche, domain name, website, and lead capture system... and that's JUST the first day!

I Am Ready For A Stream of Eager Buyers Now »

Module 4:
"Adding Your Email Sales Funnel and Autoresponder Sequence to
Guarantee Consistent Sales"

Autoresponder Messages Scheduled by the End of This Session

1-Click Copy & Paste Email Sequence Included:
Just Add Website Links

Whether you like it or not, you train your subscribers (buyers AND prospects) to react a certain way to you.

Do you ever wonder why some marketers seem to make money easily, while others struggle to make a single sale?

Why some marketers seem to work very few hours in the day, but they make way more money than "permanent newbies" who spend 12 to 16 hour days just struggling to earn a "minimum wage" salary?

It's because the money is in the list. And the most successful marketers who make the most money have the best trained list.

Hint: the "value" of your list has nothing to do with the number of free gifts you send per month, or even the number of offers you present each month.

  • How to make your Income Machine work for you
  • What you really need to understand about list and sublist management
  • 11 pre-written autoresponder emails (so you don't even have to write anything from scratch)
  • 3 Day relationship sequence most marketers miss
  • 7 Day pre-sell sequence
  • 30 Day follow-up sequence

You'd be surprised how many "mildly" successful businesses are missing these simple components.

It's your choice: do you want to be MILDLY successful (no), or WILDLY successful (yes)? That's the critical piece you're missing between you are and where you want to be!

"The Best Money And Time I've Spent
On My Business All Year"

Audre Hill

Income Machine smoothed out a lot of the points in my sales process where I always got bogged down and lost momentum.

For example, setting up an autoresponder for products was something I always skipped because it seemed so time-consuming.

After Module 4, I got an autoresponder set up within an hour - including the free report for download and the first 3 messages loaded - so I'm not intimidated by autoresponders anymore!

I feel like I finally have a system in place to market my products instead of being stuck in an endless 'product set-up' rut.

You guys have done a fantastic job in covering all of the bases - including filling in the while chalk lines between them.

Income Machine was the best money and time I've spent on my business all year - thank you!

Audre Hill

Module 5:
"How to Setup Your Authority Blog in Minutes, and Schedule a Year of Instant Expert Content in the First Few Minutes"

Blog Online (Including Content) By the End of This Session

1-Click Plug & Play Blog Clone Included:
Just Add Content

You've been told you need a blog, but do you have one? Do you spend too much time on it? Does it have enough content?

Are you happy with the email subscribers that are coming in? Is it HELPING your social proof or hurting it?

If you answered "I don't know" to any of those questions, then you need to take our blog training inside Income Machine 2.0.

Having the blog setup isn't enough. Creating content and getting readers isn't enough.

WARNING: Most People Setup Their Blog To Work Against Them!

Think ahead to your future... 100 posts on your blog would be great, right? ONLY if those posts are working for you and not against you... most people try to teach:

  • write every day (this is a waste of time)
  • connect your social media accounts
    (this hurts your sales and reputation big time)
  • more content for your blog is better (false)
  • to have a good-looking blog (we've got good reasons not to have this)
  • that the longer they spend on your blog, the better
    (1000% WRONG: you don't want people spending hours on your blog)

If you're doing something on the internet that's not making you money or building your business, don't do it. It's that simple. But blogging can be one of your BEST and FASTEST business builders -- if you do it right!

  • Leverage your best content and make it work for you (this means more money in the bank and in your pocket)
  • The critical plugins and settings you need
  • How to build a real community with positive social proof
  • Turn your blog into a lead capture & sales machine

This module also includes a 1-click blog clone. You get the same blog we use: the same settings, configuration, and theme so you can hit the ground running and just add content...

This is awesome... you have a web site, you're building a list, and when someone finds you, they can see you are in expert in your field. I'm proud of your results so far.

It's very important that you stay on the right track and continue to get the results you want, and deserve. That's why the next procedure I'm going to show you could mean the difference between a $1000 per month business, and a $5000 per month (or better) business.

"The '4 Things' Really Works!"

Gavin Allinson

Not sure if this is the right place to post this or whether it should be in the traffic module.

But I sent out Lance's short e-mail to get discussion going 'about the 4 things', anyway it's worked really well, as of writing this there are over 45 comments and 13 facebook comments
and we've still got a bit further to go with this one yet as we've only revealed 2 out of the 4 items.

thanks guys,

Gavin Allinson

I Want My Own Authority Blog Today »

Module 6:
"How to Craft the Perfect
Persuasive Sales Letter
To Sell Your Product Using
Cutting-Edge Speed Copy Techniques"

Sales Letter Ready to Take Orders by the End of This Session

1-Click Plug & Play Sales Letter Clone Included:
Just Add Payment Button

One of my favorite (and most profitable) things to do online is create the exact web page you see here... follow a simple easy rules, and boom... you have a web page that's optimized to get people watering at the mouth to buy.

The choice is yours: you can find 4 times as many offers to promote. Slave over 4 times as many products. Build a list 4 times as big. Spend 4 times as many hours per day at the computer.

Or... follow a couple of easy rules and STILL make 4 times the money from your web site. Pretty easy decision.

  • Use our clone & plugin to be online in seconds
  • How to assemble your promotion without thinking (click a button)
  • The payment button (copy & paste)
  • Leveraging resale rights (let them work for you)
  • Secrets to attention demanding headlines (that I wrote for you)
  • Access to Robert Plank's personal secret swipe file

This module comes with not just our WordPress sales letter plugin, we also have a 1-click CLONE you can install right away to have it all setup.

Look at what's in place now. You're bringing in new visitors with your blog. New subscribers from your opt-in page. They become prospects when they look at your offer.

But now that you're an expert and you're recommending other peoples' products, it's time to take the next step and... setup an offer of your very own!

"Accomplished More Toward Setting Up A New Online Business In Those 2 Days (Between The Sessions!) Than I Had Over A Significantly Longer Period Of Time"

Dear Robert and Lance,

I can echo many of the comments left by others about the quality of the content, the insider tips, the magnitude of what was covered in a relatively short period of time.

For me, the single most powerful component of the Income Machine weekend course was the sheer energy of being "live" with the two of you. The energy level was intense and motivational. I felt a vital part of the training and that kind of experience leaves all excuses in the dust. I had no choice but to act; to take action; to accomplish what I needed to do.

I accomplished more toward setting up a new online business in those 2 days (between the sessions!) than I had over a significantly longer period of time. In the days following the Income Machine weekend, I have referred back to the replays of the trainings to finesse the technical parts and I just keep accomplishing more and more.

Not only that, but for the first time I am beginning to see the bigger picture of marketing and creating online streams of income.

Thank you, Robert and Lance. You guys are gems!

Christine Hutt

Module 7:
"How to Setup Your Automatic Membership Site Without Wasting Time On Your Own Product"

Membership Site Online on Autopilot By the End of This Session

1-Click Plug & Play Membership Clone Included:
Just Add Content

There are two types of internet marketers: ones that love creating products, and the ones that love promoting them.

I can't blame the "make a product" haters... you have to write a lot, or figure out how to record videos, and there's a short delay between thinking of an idea and making money.

But what if you love making that product... it's your passion, it's the best of its kind, and no one can compete with it.

Guess what, now you have to promote it... you have competitors... it's scary to put something out there.

Here's your solution: create a "basic" version 1.0 product, so the framework is in place. Something simple enough that you can start promoting it today (we'll share our top 3 methods of "instant product" creation) -- with zero excuses.

You may have thought about creating a membership site or even set one up in the past and here's the problem!

  • no messing around with settings
  • no changing this or that button
  • the membership site doesn't fit together with the optin and sales letter

Leave all that behind you. We'll give you our membership plugin AND the membership clone with this plugin already in place and ready to go...

It integrates with what's already been built.

  • How to put your membership site to work as your Virtual Assistant
  • Protect and deliver your products
  • Keep your customers in the loop
  • Secret retention strategies
  • How to collect your money on autopilot

Collect new email subscribers every day. Make new sales every day.

The "Income Machine" delivers the product, sends out the emails, serves up web pages. You just put the pieces in place and walk away.

"Over The Top!"

Robert & Lance, as a newbie who has several of your products, this course is the best one yet!!!

It was OVER THE TOP! It puts it all together. The fact that you covered it all on the weekend from sun rise to moon rise was not lost on me.

As someone who has a day job, going to a webinar on a week day at 11:00 AM ain't going to happen. Thank you for putting this on over the weekend so I and others could attend.

I have done more this weekend and I am off to a good start. The course was EXCELLENT!!!

Thank you so much,

Jim Fortune

I Want My Own Automatic Membership Site »

Module 8:
"Set It and Forget It!
Build a Consistent Traffic Fountain to Give You a Steady Stream of Customers So People Find You Whether You Spend 20, 10, or Even Zero Hours on Your Business This Week!"

Traffic Bringing in Consistent Visitors by the End of This Session

Here's something that shocks and surprises many of my students and customers: I only spend a couple of hours per day on the computer, building my business.

My email autoresponder obediently broadcasts emails to my subscribers. My blog posts go live on their own. I dictate articles, reports and products... send them off to freelancers, and check back later for the results.

"Traffic Module Alone is
Worth 10x The Cost of This Course"

Scott Styles

Lance and Robert...

Words can't even begin to express my gratitude for the increadible amount of time and effort the two of you put into the Income Machine this weekend.

Your insight, help, guidance and wisdom has been a tremendous help in building my business from the ground up. Your expert advice and timely insights will save me hours of time wasted on running in circles.

I have never had any internet marketet spend this kind of time on the basics.

Your lesson on Traffic is worth at least ten times the cost of this course. I am forever indebted to you both.


Scott Styles, MD

Even though a different internet marketing guru seems to release a new product about this traffic loophole or this marketing strategy that will only remain viable for the next 7 days, very few methods actually bring "good" buyers to your web site over and over.

But the good news is, I know what brings people to your website and what doesn't, and it's easy for you to duplicate these methods.

  • Real automation secrets that let your system work for you 24 hours a day
  • The truth about blog traffic and SEO
  • JV Secrets that only the inner circle uses
  • Leverage your articles over and over and over again

If you've ever wondered how the big marketers can hundreds of people commenting on a blog, hundreds of webinar signups, or thousands of people looking at a web page... then you need to let yourself get access to these time-tested and proven traffic strategies.

"Moved Me Forward Months"

Lance and Robert,

Whew... What a course! I will admit that it was one of the most intensive 2 day courses that I have ever had. A lot of information and HUGE ROI. Yes, this course definitely filled in the blanks that are left by a lot of the other things that I have tried.

This class alone will have me past months of delays in just getting it done and out there. I look forward to letting you see the final results.

Carl Dickens

Time-Sensitive Bonus 1:
Paper Template 3.0 Ultimate

Everyone (including you) wants a sales letter template that looks great and is optimized for maximum conversions. The higher your web page converts, the more people will sign up for your email subscribers list... and the more people will buy!

Many website developers worry far too long, and far too often, about what design, template, or theme they're going to use for their web pages.

But here's a shocking fact: did you know that out of all the hundreds of thousands of designs available to you on the Internet, ONE has been time-tested to get more sales, compared to all the others?

You need a proven template and we are going to give you the exact template we use on our sites.

(Hint: You're looking at it right now -- keep reading...)

  • This template is easier, more futureproof and gets HIGHER search engine rankings than 99% of all WordPress sales letter designs.
  • The paper template is clean, fast and easy to make changes to -- easy tweaking...
  • After installing this, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it and you'll roll most if not all of your web page designs just as we have...

Soon this exact template will be yours, just as soon as you join "Income Machine" and get not only this template, but all the exact strategies and techniques we use to customize the headlines, content, and even the order process and email subscription design to get the most signups.

"Blown Away and I'm NOT a Newbie"

I want to take a minute to let you know that I'm blown away by the quality
of your content.

Income Machine is obviously good for newbies, but it's
also a good kick in the pants for others that have been dragging their
feet about getting started.

Your program forces action and, as you know,
nothing can happen if your students don't set the remote control down and
get off their asses and GET TO WORK.

Income Machine provides a simple, easy to implement system that encourages

I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the amount I spent on
Income Machine is the best value anywhere on the web.

I've spent thousands
on other programs and have nothing to show for it except a dwindling
checking account balance.

Income Machine is the best program available anywhere. You and Robert are
the real deal.

Great job!

Ken Speegle

Click to Get In Right Now »

Time-Sensitive Bonus 2:
Member Genius 2.0 Ultimate

You know how to setup an optin page, sales letter, autoresponder sequence, but what about the part that matters the most -- taking those payments?

Unless you have a take to take online payments AND deliver automatic downloads (meaning you don't even have to see the sale come in) then you might as well not be in business. You simply CAN'T scale unless you have a membership site!

That's where our "Member Genius" plugin comes in. Not only does it run in WordPress, take PayPal payments, and connect to any email autoresponder (including Aweber, GetResponse, ARPReach, InfusionSoft), it allows you to sell an unlimited number of products and hold an unlimited amount of members, all from one simple plugin:

  • Handles single payments, fixed term payments, and recurring continuity payments
  • Hooks up to any email autoresponder system
  • Supports an unlimited number of membership levels: sell just one product or 1000 products using the exact same membership setup
  • Automatically handles refunds and cancellations

Basically, Member Genius is all you need to run your own membership site using WordPress, and it's INCLUDED for free as part of your Income Machine membership, because you need to have a complete system in place for your business THIS WEEK...

"It Covers Everything!"

Sylvie Vivarais

This course really helped me learn how easy it is to start a business online!

Before this course, I was always making things so much more complicated then they needed to be. Lance and Robert showed us how easy and pain free it is to set up our business online.

Nothing is left out!

If you take this course, you are guaranteed to see results because it covers everything.

I plan on completing all the challenges here and going back to Lance and Robert's other membership sites and complete all the challenges. I was trying to make everything to perfect and sometimes avoided taking the challenges because I was scared.

I am not anymore! Starting Thursday I have 3 weeks off from school and I plan on getting my online business off to a good start thanks to Lance and Robert.

You guys are great! muuah 😉

Sylvie Vivarais

Get Started Today: Click Here »

Time-Sensitive Bonus 3:
Backup Creator Express

As our gift to you for joining Income Machine, we're also going to throw in Backup Creator, our multiple award-winning plugin that will backup your WordPress site in a single click. Whether you choose to run it once a week or once a month, just login, click the button, and download a copy of your entire WordPress site to your desktop or backup drive for safe keeping...

But that's not all. Our students have reported to us that they like to run a quick backup before updating the plugins and themes on their WordPress site, OR before making any kind of drastic change like changing the design of their site...

Hopefully you won't need it, but with Backup Creator, you'll have a safe backup of your site to "roll back" just in case your site breaks, gets hacked, or it stops working for any reason...

And that's not all. Backup Creator allows you to "clone" any site by backing it up on one location and restoring it on another. We honestly believe you'll end up creating many passive streams of income and we want to give you the fastest path to do that. Therefore, Backup Creator gives you the ability to "clone" your successful frontend sites (sales letters and opt-in pages) along with your backend sites (membership sites and upsells)...

This means once you have a site looking and tweaked exactly the way you want, back it up, restore it on a brand new site and edit the new site to get it the way you want it. Never start from scratch again with our Backup Creator, included in your Income Machine package.


"All The Things You Taught Us Save Time!"

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski Learned so much on the weekend! Still have a ways to go but excited because all the things you taught us save time.

Up til now I have been so tired of hearing people say I had to write 100 articles, put up a blog post every day, write in forums every day... who has time for all that?

Let's face it - no one does! With your recommendations, I can see that they will work!

Thanks so much!

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski

Time-Sensitive Bonus 4:
1-Click Optin Page

"It Is The Missing Link!"

Theresa Wagar

Lance and Robert . . .about the only thing I can say is, "WOW!!"

Many folks have promised the step by step to their system, but you delivered . . no, you over delivered. With a little practice, I'm going to be pumping out sites and products over and over with great success . . and most importantly in so much less time.

Having attended a weekend training weekend out of town a few weeks ago, I can honestly say this was a much superior training AND I didn't have to leave the comfort of my own home (and didn't have to spend money to be staying somewhere else).

Personally , I can't believe you are charging so little. I thought it was because you and Lance were being nice to newbies. The content and how-to are worth thousands.

Your program is the only one I found that teaches step by step of how to setup an online product. You even share some great ideas for generating a product.

It is the missing link! And as a technical oriented person, it was still a huge help to have a system to follow! I can't imagine how much MORE of a value it would be to a non-technical person struggling to figure out how to do a simple webpage.

Thank you for taking the time to share what is working for you with the rest of us 🙂

All the Best!

Theresa Wagar

Time-Sensitive Bonus 5:
1-Click Sales Letter

"For the First Time I'm Now Confident"

Jack Marriott

Guess What?

That brick wall I kept running into...
It's now an open door.

For the first time I'm now confident to continue creating instead of stopping.
My ideas and thoughts can now move from the drawing board and onto the internet.

Best money I've ever invested. Heartfelt thanks to Robert & Lance.

Jack Marriott

PS - Great rapport with your students - I like your style!

Time-Sensitive Bonus 6:
1-Click Authority Blog


Ann Moore

There is no other way to describe Income Machine except by saying a big THANK YOU.

What I enjoyed the most about the course was the simple yet powerful step by step progression in your training. One step built upon another.

I went from nothing to, knowing my niche, planning out my products, setting up a squeeze page, sales page and even a membership site!

I am really having FUN with business ventures this like never before. You guys gave me a simple yet powerful plan to set up online businesses over and over again!

Even my kids are amazed at how REAL my squeeze pages, sales pages, etc husband got involved by asking me to make him a squeeze page for our Bible study ministry.

The biggest difference I see in Income Machine unlike any others kind of training I have had is that you guys REALLY expect us to apply what you teach. Each challenge I completed made me smile thinking...this is all well worth my investment!

Thanks guys!

Ann Moore

Time-Sensitive Bonus 7:
1-Click Membership Site

Quick question: did you know you're only 6 clicks to get your membership site up and running? Let me explain. Income Machine comes with a special WordPress plugin called "Backup Creator" with a built-in membership clone built-in (you only have access to this clone as a Income student)...

  • We'll show you how to setup that back-end WordPress site in just a few seconds
  • Download and install our Backup Creator plugin (Income Machine edition) from the member's area -- no one else has access to this technology
  • Install the plugin on your website
  • Click the button to "restore the Income Machine Membership Clone" and wait about 10 seconds to grab the plugins, settings, and themes unpack everything and set it all up for you
  • Add your own payment button (which we show you) and edit what's already there (such as your content and the name of your site) to make it your own

When you join Income Machine, you'll say goodbye forever to the days of taking more than a couple of minutes to setup your own membership site. You'll be able to click a button, and it's done!

Time-Sensitive Bonus 8:
99-Point Income Machine Checklist

Time-Sensitive Bonus 9:
Done-For-You Email Sequence

Time-Sensitive Bonus 10:
Camtasia Crash Course

Not only do I want to give you all the tools and training to get a website online -- plus bringing in consistent traffic forever -- I want to make sure you have room to grow.

That means if you want to (now or at some point) create your own screen capture videos -- for free or use in paid products -- you can!

If you've ever tried to create a video in the past before, because you heard that it was easier and faster than writing, then maybe you tried it and got discouraged. I know that I did. I didn't like to have to sit down and write 20, 50, 100 pages.

I wanted to just be able to speak out or do those things that I wanted to show people. I heard about live action video and I tried a bunch of different cameras and I never got the sound quite right.

You can show anything – PowerPoint, browser, piece of software, anything like that. And because there is your voice, you can go off on a tangent for a couple of minutes and remember to put in those things that you might have forgotten.

  • How to organize your videos so they're the perfect length every time -- with less than 10 minute of "prep time" per video
  • One-take video
  • Hardware and software
  • How to avoid most psychological hangups
  • How to record webinars and videos within videos
  • Editing, adding music
  • Getting your video online fast, including YouTube traffic
  • How to sell your video recordings as physical DVDs for free (with no inventory)

This is all compressed down into an action-packed, nothingleft out 1 hour mini-course and is available to you right now inside the member's area. Just join within the next few minutes and it's yours as our digital gift to you!

Click Here to Join Right Now »

Time-Sensitive Bonus 11:
PowerPoint Crash Course

Using PowerPoint along with screen capture software has been the easiest and best way for me to create information products. Many times I want to get a point across, I want to show something, I want to flip through some images, slides, diagrams and text, and I needed a guide.

I needed a reason why I wouldn't ramble or go off-topic, or go on for hours and hours, and keep a tight, structured presentation.

Now you'll have the same knowledge and skill I have when it comes to presenting PowerPoint slides in person, on a webinar, or in a video recording for your sales letter or paid product.

That's why inside of the PowerPoint Crash Course, I'm going to let you look over my shoulder as I literally show you everything you need to know, including...

  • Recording tools & shortcuts you'll use every time you create a presentation
  • How to use PowerPoints to create products and webinars
  • How to design your PowerPoint presentations
  • How to organize your presentations
  • The "2-monitor" secret that most presenters don't know about
  • Animations and how to make your PowerPoint stand out from the crowd

This is yet another 1 hour mini-course that you'll get instantly as soon as you join that member's area. There is no theory here! I literally show you the in's and out's of how I create, structure, and present all my presentations -- it's all done right in front of you!

Time-Sensitive Bonus 12:
Webinar Crash Course

Ever heard of these things called live webinars?

Always wondered how to present on them, which platform to use, what to talk about, and how to use it to make money?

We're going to be figuring out how you can make money presenting your course, your pitch, your presentation, in just a few minutes by using this thing called a webinar which is a live screencast.

You can get hundreds or thousands of people to come to your online event, they can see your screen on their screen and hear your voice live. We're not talking about a live action stream (UStream or Google+ Hangouts), nothing that fancy.

I'm showing you how to start a a GoToWebinar screencast, share a screen and speak to a live audience.

  • How to choose which type of webinar is right for you
  • Get your webinar event setup in 60 seconds or less
  • How to promote and present easily, anytime you want
  • The best title, time, and day to run a live webinar event
  • A real live case study of our best-selling live webinar of all time, and how to duplicate our success
  • How to record your webinar
  • How to sell on a webinar (without getting nervous or coming off as a used car salesman)
  • How to run a multi-week webinar class for big bucks without a huge time commitment
  • How to get recurring monthly income from personal and group coaching -- AND GET PAID WHAT YOU'RE WORTH!

Once again, everything you know is compressed into a 1 hour mini-course where I literally start a webinar on my screen (using the exact steps I take when I'm running a real one), present, record, and walk you through all the steps.

Whether you're ready to jump into webinars right away or you need to work your way up to this level, you have LIFETIME DIGITAL ACCESS to this bonus session so you can come back to it anytime you want.

Instant Access: Click Right Here »

Time-Sensitive Bonus 13:
Private Facebook Group

I don't know about you, but when I began to make it big online, I always wished I had a private support group of internet marketers just like me who could encourage me to keep at it and do the things I knew I needed to do to make money.

I was also overwhelmed with all the possible choices I could make and I was overloaded with a massive to-do list I never finished... sounds familiar?

If this sounds at all like you (even only occassionally) then you're in luck because you'll get access to a private productivity Facebook group (the first and only of its kind) called the "Four Daily Tasks" group.

Every day, several of us (including Robert Plank and Lance Tamashiro) post the four items we're going to complete that day... and everyone supports each other.

Simply put, this time management and productivity system WORKS better than any other motivational tool or technique I've experimented with in my 13 years of marketing online -- and I've tried them all!

That means if you've ever been frustrated at getting things done online then look no further and join this group... but we'll only approve you if you're a member of Income Machine... and you can join within SECONDS of logging into the member's area.

Time-Sensitive Bonus 14:
Lifetime Access, Recordings, Transcripts

I shouldn't need to say this, but I want to reassure you: feel free to return to the Income Machine training again and again if you ever need to repeat part of the process or give your virtual assistant access to build sites for you.

That's right, you can come back to the member's area to watch any video, ask any question, participate in any assignment, read or download any transcript of any session, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, even if it's 2AM in the morning. So join now while it's still fresh on your mind.

Click Here to Order »

What Exactly Do I Get Inside the
"Income Machine"
Online Workshop?

Income Machine Core Training
Module 1: Your Niche $697.00
Module 2: Online Presence $697.00
Module 3: Lead Capture $697.00
Module 4: Automated Sales Funnel $697.00
Module 5: Blog & Content $697.00
Module 6: Sales Letter $697.00
Module 7: Membership Site $697.00
Module 8: Traffic $697.00
Income Machine Plugins
Bonus 1: Paper Template 2.0 Ultimate
point and click sales letter - 1 year updates and support
Bonus 2: Member Genius 2.0 Ultimate
take payments instantly - 1 year updates and support
Bonus 3: Backup Creator Express
1-click backup & restore - 1 year updates and support
Income Machine Clones
Bonus 4: 1-Click Optin Page
front-end clone
Bonus 5: 1-Click Sales Letter
front-end clone
Bonus 6: 1-Click Authority Blog
traffic clone
Bonus 7: 1-Click Membership Site
back-end clone
Income Machine Extras
Bonus 8: 99-Point Checklist
just follow the steps
Bonus 9: Done-For-You Email Sequence
entire autopilot system
Bonus 10: Camtasia Crash Course
create videos
Bonus 11: PowerPoint Crash Course
create information products
Bonus 12: Webinar Crash Course
promote your product live
Bonus 13: Private Facebook Group
daily productivity
Bonus 14: Lifetime Access, Recordings, Transcripts
review the course anytime
Total Real World Value Today:

Today It's Only:

You Need to Lock In Your Spot Now,
Because of This Priority Guarantee!

If for any reason you don't think this training will allow you to setup your web business in under 3 days from start to finish... then within the next 30 days, I demand you fire me from your business and you get your refund. Just contact us and send the DVD and manual back to us.

But I'm confident you'll stay in, you'll implement our systems, and you'll send us a testimonial telling us how much more you've accomplished after finding us and taking our training.

YES! I want the exact content generation strategies to build my online business.

Priority Income Machine
Order Form

"Single Payment"

Instant Delivery: Income Machine 2, Paper Template 2, Member Genius 2, Backup Creator Express

  • $197 today, then no further payments after today
  • Lifetime access to training
  • 30 day "money-back" guarantee
  • Entire course delivered today
1 Payment of $197

1 payment today: Tue, Oct 22, 2024

"10 Monthly Payments"

Instant Delivery: Income Machine 2, Paper Template 2, Member Genius 2, Backup Creator Express

  • $20 now, then 9 payments of $20 (30 days apart, 10 total payments)
  • Lifetime access to training
  • 30 day "money-back" guarantee
  • Entire course delievered today
10 Payments of $20

Final payment: Mon, Aug 18, 2025

P.S. Income Machine is a single payment membership site. You will need a web browser capable of playing videos.

P.P.S. After signing up, your account will be instantly activated and you will have access to the first of the training videos in the next few minutes.

P.P.P.S. If you choose to get your money back for this course, just send the DVDs and manual back to us by contacting us at the help desk within 30 days of your purchase.

Affiliates: Make Money Here
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Lance Tamashiro,, 2817 W. Shady Hollow Lane, Lehi, UT 84043, 801.542.9770